Perky is a writer who formerly worked at a software company and is knowledgeable about the world of information technology.
Perky’s outlook is characterised by optimism and a lively imagination, where interesting challenges are embraced. At the risk of occasional disappointment, Perky continues to see the best in people and approaches social interactions in a trusting and understanding manner.
Time spent delving into and writing on a range of issues, as well as the occasional short story, reflect an active mind, where life is viewed as a great array of possibilities, many of which are worthy of exploration.
Perky’s Help is:
- a platform for continual learning and self-exploration, unlocking the potential for personal growth.
- a means of exploring the merits of self-reflection and exploration.
- an endeavour to present life’s complexities in a manner that encourages deeper thought and paves the way for self-reflection.
The primary focus is on personal growth and self-reflection. The principles can apply to a wide range of people, including those with Asperger’s. For the latter, tailored approaches and personalised tools are empowering. They provide benefit through contributing to improved self-awareness, understanding, and social interactions.
The philosophy is that personal growth starts with understanding the psychology of self. Through exploring the intricacies of cognition, emotions, and actions, self-awareness is cultivated, making for a smoother navigation of life’s obstacles. The pursuit of continual learning, including the realisation of untapped potential, is championed.