The film Rocky was released in 1976. Set in the gritty streets of Philadelphia, it tracks the iconic underdog boxer, Rocky Balboa, as he battles against the odds to prove himself in the ring. Despite a life of continual setbacks, Rocky refuses to give up on his dreams of becoming a champion.
His resilience and triumph inspired audiences around the world. They were reminded that with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible, even when life has hitherto been a constant struggle.
The story begins with Rocky as a small-time fighter, working as a debt-collector to make ends meet. When he was given the chance to fight heavyweight champion Apollo Creed, however, Rocky’s perspective changed. He now saw the opportunity as a chance to prove his worth and rise above his circumstances.
Fuelled by his determination to succeed, he trained tirelessly, visualising himself as a champion and refusing to let fear, or doubt, hold him back. He was clearly intent on going the distance in the fight with Apollo.
Along his journey, Rocky increasingly appreciated the support of his friends and loved ones, including his girlfriend Adrian and her brother Paulie. He expressed gratitude for their belief in him, knowing that their encouragement gave him the strength to keep fighting, both in and out of the ring.
But he embraced these challenges as opportunities to prove himself and grow as a fighter. They would not deter him from his ultimate goal.
The eventual fight resulted in a split-decision victory for Apollo Creed. The fact that Rocky managed to go the distance with the reigning champion, despite being seen as an underdog, however, was a significant moral victory for him. This was a central theme of the film. Greater things were to come for Rocky in subsequent films, but for now, self-belief, combined with sheer grit and determination had prevailed.