Success & Mindset … Life Changing Insights “Some people think their abilities are fixed—they’re either smart or not, talented or not. Others believe they can improve with effort and learning. The second group is more likely to keep growing and succeed.”Carol Dweck – Mindset: The New Psychology of Success “The decisions you make in life shape your future, even the small ones.”Tony Robbins – Awaken the Giant Within “Happiness doesn’t come from having the best situation, but from seeing the best in whatever situation you’re in.”Marie Forleo – Everything is Figureoutable “Success doesn’t come from setting big goals alone. It comes from building good habits and systems that support those goals.”James Clear – Atomic Habits “Being vulnerable means being brave enough to show up and be seen, even when you can’t control what will happen next.”Brené Brown – Daring Greatly “Managing stress is the foundation for building mental health.”(Summarised insight based on Huberman’s teachings.)Dr. Andrew Huberman “You can’t stop life’s challenges from happening, but you can learn how to handle them.”Jon Kabat-Zinn – Full Catastrophe Living “Positive psychology aims to help people live better, happier lives, and to make the world a better place.”Martin Seligman – Flourish “Don’t just be busy for the sake of being busy—focus on getting the important things done.”Tim Ferriss – The 4-Hour Workweek “Your brain is for thinking, not for storing everything you have to do. Write things down to clear your mind.”David Allen – Getting Things Done “You can’t completely get rid of a bad habit, but you can replace it with a better one.”Charles Duhigg – The Power of Habit “Pain is a part of life, but how much you let it affect you is up to you.”Haruki Murakami – What I Talk About When I Talk About Running “Grit means sticking with your goals for a long time, even when things get tough.”Angela Duckworth – Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance “If you take charge of your mornings, you can improve your whole life.”Robin Sharma – The 5 AM Club “You’ll never really feel like doing the hard stuff, so don’t wait for motivation—just act on it.”Mel Robbins – The 5 Second Rule “The way we communicate (like TV or social media) shapes how we think, not just what we say.”Marshall McLuhan – Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man “The thing you’re afraid of is often where you’ll find your greatest opportunity for growth.”Joseph Campbell – The Hero with a Thousand Faces “Too much clutter in life, including digital clutter, reduces how well you can work and enjoy life.”Cal Newport – Digital Minimalism “The internet grabs your attention, but then constantly distracts you, making it harder to focus.”Nicholas Carr – The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains